European Colorectal Cancer Days 2012


"Data driven prevention has the power to save lives."
Prevention – Safety – Effectiveness



Pro české účastníky

Colorectal cancer is the most common newly diagnosed cancer and the second most common cause of cancer deaths in Europe. More than 200,000 Europeans die every year from malignant tumours of the colon and rectum. However, many of these deaths can be avoided. Effective and safe colorectal cancer prevention and early detection are the key factors, and these measures do work. Numerous clinical and epidemiological studies continue to bring evidence of the valuable benefit of colorectal cancer screening both for individuals and for the populations and societies. Screening with faecal occult blood test or colonoscopy can help prevent colorectal cancer and save lives.

However, evidence-based medicine on its own is not enough. Although very important, it covers only one of the several dimensions of a successful screening program. Strong managerial background and organization, high quality of all associated services and last but not the least, compliance by the target population are among the factors substantially contributing to the desirable lowering of the incidence and mortality of the screened cancer. Mutually potential harmony among these factors cannot be achieved without the vital support of national health care authorities, the politicians, the health care payers and other stakeholders.

Cancer data is undoubtedly the quintessential platform for any functional screening programme. Representative data collection is, therefore, an inevitable component of the screening process that involves the mapping of its performance and quality, controlling its safety and effectiveness, and offering “scientifically supported marketing” of the programme. Extensively gathered and appropriately presented data can guide politicians, optimize health care and consequently increase the programme attractiveness for the general public.

This meeting is intended as a networking event which should help to share up-to-date knowledge and to discuss the application of the hitherto assembled findings in establishing effective systems for colorectal cancer screening and early detection. Regardless of the recent advances in many European countries, there are still many rather persistent questions and problems that need to be addressed, such as:

  • Are we able to implement new modalities in CRC screening without negatively impacting compliance by the target population?
  • Are all the other aspects of CRC screening taken in account in developing new strategies: safety, feasibility, cost-effectiveness?
  • What is more important in enhancing screening performance and coverage, medical or managerial factors?
  • When looking at the heterogeneity of CRC screening in European countries, what is the golden standard of the population-based program? – does the gold standard exist in the first place?
  • Can we extrapolate data and experience between countries with different health care management?
  • What is the optimum panel for performance and quality indicators in CRC screening?
  • Are there verified and positive examples of effective communication with the general public?
  • Who is the most powerful “image-maker” of CRC screening? Is it the politicians, the health care payers, the patient organizations, physicians, ... celebrities?

We hope that such a meeting of the stakeholders supported by representatives of medical societies and patients´ organizations can offer a functional platform and a stimulating atmosphere for fruitful exchanges on all of these problems and many other related issues.


The conference is held under the auspices of honorable

Roman Onderka

Mayor of
the City of Brno

Leoš Heger

Czech Minister
of Health

Pavel Poc

Member of
the European Parliament


and with the kind support of

John Dalli

EU Commissioner for Health and Consumer Policy